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Friday last week safaricom adjusted new prices to their data bundles in order to be fair to their customers and also to be on the run and beat the Airtel’s  UNLIMINET bundle system.
Well this new safaricom initiative has helped its customers in a positive way but also risen quite a number of complains. 

Their systems are inconveniencing a lot of people since their bundles are expiring so quickly even before one has fully exhausted the package. This is not appropriate for the heavy internet users and also for those who do their businesses through the internet since it may emerge that they are making losses rather that profits since one buys a huge package of daily bundles for the day and after 24hours the bundle expires and you are required to purchase another one. To many this is not appropriate since this remaining bundles are supposed to be carried forward to the next day or the expiry period should be extended a little longer in order to allow the user to fully exhaust the package. Despite the fair price introduced by safaricom this expiry issue is making the public feel unsatisfied. Something has to be done about it.
Well Bob Collymore has promised to immediately look into the matter and resolve the issue as soon as possible. He said this via Twitter after receiving a lot of complains from the public and he has promised to settle the matter as soon as possible.

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