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  Nairobi is classified as one of the best cities in Africa. It has a large population compared to its size. Its average population ranges from five million and above. This is quite a number of people when you look at its size of 696km2. This dense population has been caused by unemployment where many people are moving from the rural areas to the city in search for greener pastures. Well not everyone is qualified to get jobs in offices and in other places like companies. Others are able to maneuver and start businesses and start earning their income from them. What happens to some who do not qualify to have anything?
Some in this category of people end up into the streets to rob others. Others go to an extent of becoming armed robbers and live to terrorize those who are well to do. Well in Nairobi there are many people of this nature and mostly the youth ranging from 17-26.
They are always situated in specific streets where they perform their ungodly acts as people go by their day today activities. To them that is their business and they have practiced it like talent.

Here I will feature some streets and locations in Nairobi you should be highly cautious when passing or should totally avoid them.
1.       Slums
Nairobi has got many slams surrounding it and this is where these jobless characters are mainly located. They terrorize people during the night mostly during the evening as darkness nears and people are walking home. Others go to the extent of striking during the day where you experience them snatching hand bags from women or any other variables that one could be carrying.
These slums are kibera, lunga lunga, Soweto, mathare, mukuru kwa jenga, kawangware.
Here robberies and mugging is always the story for the day.  
2.       Eastlands

Eastlands are the most densely populated zones in Nairobi. They constitute of almost 60% of Nairobi’s population. Some of these areas have are a black spots that you cannot wish to visit alone.
·         Dandora dumpsite.  These area is a no go zone. The street guys “chokoras” are always on the lookout for the visitors going near the site. That is always their territory and while you break the rule and go around there they smuggle you up on the broad daylight.  Other interior places of Dandora are also dangerous too at night.
·         Other places like kayole, umoja, pipeline are also part of the category too. There are minor cases of robberies during the evenings and cases of car jackings.


3.       Nairobi neighborhoods
Nairobi has many neighborhoods surrounding it and some of them fall in this category of insecurity. Most of them are areas which are slum developed. Such areas are Kawangware, rongai, kiserian and dagorreti. These are just few among others but these ones seem to be on heat when it comes to insecurity. 70% of robbery incidents reported in these areas, it is usually armed robberies.
Kenyans living in these places should always be cautious and should avoid walking around at night.

If there is more of this left out you can share with us in the comments.

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