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Revealed: This is how street boys use their borrowed money for sex

Many of you have come across these youngsters in the streets who rush to you immediately after you dash out from doing your shopping in the supermarket or even along the busy streets. They tend to be nagging to some extent as they try to borrow at least 10 shillings for a cup of tea.
Many feel for them and offer even more than a 100 shilling note and others just give them whatever coin that may be at hand just to drive them away.
Well if you rilly thought that the money you give to these street children is used for settling the stomach requirements only then you are very wrong.  The young boys use the cash to pay prostitutes in Majengo and Mathare slums for sex. They always part with sh 100 to bed with older women and Just Sh 50 to bed with younger women.
Nairobi News interviewed one of these boys and this is what he had to say.
“I go there at around 8pm and find the women waiting. After choosing the one I want she takes me to her house where we finish our business. Sometimes when I have enough I buy cooked food which we eat in the house,” confessed a teenage street boy famously known as Fengo.
After askingwhether they use protection, Charles, one of the sexually active street boys said, “I use it once in a while. Again, you have to buy it at Sh30 and I usually don’t have enough money.”
Most of the boys go for sex about three times a week.
After having their time with the slums prostitutes, the street boys go back to the streets corridors and spend the rest of the night as they wait for the next day to borrow the coins and have enough for another “purchase”.

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