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Jaguar strict on his Job.These is what he promised to do for illicit brew survivors in Thika

A few months ago, President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed award winning singer, Jaguar, as a board member of the organization mandated to battle illicit brews in the country –NACADA. 

Since he accepted the plum position, the Huu Mwaka hit maker has been having an easy time just attending meetings in plush offices and secured public areas. 

But following the death of seven people and the admission of five others at the Thika level five hospital after consuming suspected illicit brew, Jaguar has been forced to leave the comfort of his office and visit the victims in hospital. 

The talented singer, interacted with the survivors, who were mainly casual labourers and boda boda operators from the sprawling Kiandutu slums in Thika Town, and promised that NACADA will not relent in the war against illicit brews. 

Below is a photo of Jaguar at the hospital interacting with a survivor.


 JAGUAR is not a DEAD BEAT FATHER. See how he treats his daughter (PHOTOs) 

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