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LADIES. 5 Foods that make you look young.

Eating the right food could help you get beautiful skin and keep you looking young. Here is a list of some of these foods.


They contain antioxidants that protect your skin from pre-mature aging. Try eating blueberries every morning as part of your breakfast.
Spinach is rich in vitamins and antioxidant. It also helps to keep your eyes sparkling. Try replacing other greens with spinach or mixing it up for example kales and spinach.

Tomatoes contain an anti-aging antioxidant which helps keep your skin looking great. Try drinking tomato juice and using tomato sauce to get beautiful skin.

Drink non-fat yogurt daily. Yogurt contains calcium which helps keep your teeth white strong. This makes you look younger.

Sweet Potatoes

Make sweet potatoes part of your breakfast. Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that fights aging

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