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Boy who Jumped over a perimeter wall in state house is finally acquited.

The 15 year old boy who allegedly jumped over a perimeter wall in state house two weeks ago has been discharged conditionally from custody. The Jovial Mathew Maina Kinuthia apologized to President Kenyatta for using unlawful means to reach him.
“I sincerely apologise to the President for using unlawful means to seek him,” Maina told journalists outside Milimani Law Courts Nairobi.
After the News emerged online, Local Musician Charles Kanyi {Jaguar}, kaka sungura and Music promoter Joe Kariuki of Candy n Candy Records came out publicly and offered to help the boy by promising to pay his school fees and help him record his Music and promote his talent.

Chief magistrate Daniel Ogembo ordered Maina not to engage in any form of crime for a period of two years.
Ogembo also directed the father of the minor, Mr John Kinuthia Maina to ensure that his son keeps good company for the two years failure to which the charge of trespassing into a prohibited area will be evoked afresh.
Lawyer Steve Kimathi who was defending Maina had urged the court to invoke Section 35 of the Penal Code to conditionally discharge the minor from custody.
“The law does not permit a minor to be locked up in cells with adults. I urge this court to conditionally discharge this minor from custody so that he can be corrected,” Mr Kimathi applied.

All the best to the young Lad. Hope he will abide to the 2 year condition imposed on him.

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