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"I know Obama will be back.": Says 'Mama sarah Obama.'

Sarah Obama, the Grandmother of US President Barack Obama is confident that her grandson will return to Kenya.  She reported her Joy and the rest of the Family members for being able to meet with Obama during his Visit in the country. The US President dined with members of his Kenyan family after arriving in the country on Friday 24th July 2015.
Mama Sarah said of the US President’s return, “I even lived in the same hotel with him and I know he will be back. Every time we spoke, he would praise Kenya and Kenyan people. This will make him come back soon.”

Mama Sarah further spoke about the busy schedule that faced her grandson,“I did not wait for him (Obama) to tell me how busy he was. All Kenyans saw how everything was fixed and there was no time for my grandson to extend visits outside Nairobi.”

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