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Jaguar Introduces the man who completely changed his life

Every successful person in life always has a history to tell on how he/she rose to the ranks up to the position they are in. Likewise for those willing to become prominent people in the various fields of choice, you should be ready to hit it had so as to meet your long-term expectations as per your expected desires.
On that Kenya’s most popular singer Jaguar reveals a brief history of how he underwent some struggle with his primary school and later managed to get assistance and become what he is today. 

This is what he shared on social media.

When my mum passed away i had just completed class 8 and didn’t have someone to take me to high school…so i went to Kikuyu to live with my Uncle where i helped him with house chores….one day my auntie tried to take me bk to school at Musa Gitau pri bt they refused and said i couldn’t talk english and also was very expensive for my uncle and his wife to pay for me…i started sellin water at Thogoto shopping center during the day when my guardin’s were at work…one day i saw a school next to Thogoto teacher’s college called Magutuini pri and decided to enter and try my Luck..i met the headmaster at the gate and introduced my self and my story and this man hear with me in this pic listened to me and told me to enter class 7 and start learning..His name is Mr Gathigo…he changed my life and will forever thank God for him…was it not for him and my uncle steve and Eunice i would have never gone bk to school….went to look for him and Thank him.

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