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Meet the girl who moved BAHATI to tears; what he did for her has left everyone talking

Award winning gospel singer Bahati was recently moved to tears after he received a unique request from a mother whose daughter was admitted at the Kenyatta National Hospital. 

Mama Charity took to social media to request the Barua hit maker to visit her daughter who has been admitted at the referral hospital from January this year, suffering from cancer. 

According to the pleading mum, the 12 year old girl was on her last stage of cancer adding that she had always dreamt of doing a collabo with the gospel star as he was her role model.  

Bahati, was moved by the request and yesterday, he took time off his busy schedule to visit Charity in hospital, where he got to interact and encourage the young girl. The singer also promised to feature Charity as a dancer in his next video.

He later took to social media to share his experience with his fans saying.

Yaani Mimi hua na pata Posts Kibao Saana but This Was One of the Most Moving. A Mother Who's 12 years Daughter has Been admitted in Kenyatta National Hospital Since January. Today I spent the afternoon with the Daughter CHARITY. 

Meet CHARITY a Class 6 pupil but hasn't been able to attend school since the Year began... She's Been Admitted at Kenyatta Hospital since January. She had to be Cut her left Leg hoping for healing but unfortunately the CANCER has Spread to the stomach. Doctors say she's on her last stage of Cancer but I loved her spirit; Even though Left with One Leg.. she's still hoping to Dance in my Next Video & when she Grows up we Do a Collabo!!! Aiseee tuu Mungu akuponye

 Bahati's action moved his funs and these is how they reacted.



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