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Scary villages where human sacrifices are still taking place

When the torso of a five-year-old boy was found floating in the River Thames near Shakespeare’s Globe, police found that his head, arms and legs had been cut cleanly off and what remained of his body had been entirely drained of blood.
The main clue to his fate came when a lab report showed his intestine contained traces of the African calabar bean, a powerful poison used by adherents of voodoo. This creates paralysis without any anaesthetic effect, meaning the victim would have felt every cut of the knife in a sickening ritual.
He was named as Adam by officers in the case, who also released a photo of a Nigerian boy they believed might be him. But his identity was never confirmed and his killers were never caught.

Human sacrifice is far more common in countries like India where a minority of tantric shamans still promote it to gullible communities of uneducated peasants.
And in 2011 a seven-year-old girl Lalita Tati was murdered and her liver cut out as an offering to the Hindu goddess Durga by two farmers hoping for a better crop.
Indian police officer AK Singh, who has investigated many human sacrifices, reveals: “It’s often an open-and-shut case. It isn’t difficult to get confessions.
“Normally the villagers or the families of the victims do that for us. But there is little we can doto stop it. These people are living in the dark ages.”
Human sacrifice also continues across the border in Bangladesh. In 2010 a brickmaker was arrested for killing one of his labourers and pouring the blood on his field to improve the quality of his mud bricks.

Read entire article here: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/mobile/?articleID=2000169946&story_title=scary-villages-where-human-sacrifices-are-still-taking-place&pageNo=2

SOURCE: Standard Digital News


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