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Young Lady Shocks The World By Posting These Pictures On Facebook Before Jumping 13 Floors To Her Death

Life is a tough journey that not everyone can give a good definition of what it is. There are a lot of ups and downs to be experienced and they may be rough and tough to others but perseverance is also a major key to success. But to those who don’t wish to endure hard times, they opt to live miserable lives under influence of drugs and others go to the extent of taking their lives.
This lady surprised many as she posted her last photos on social media and revealed to her friends that she was planning to take her life. This is what she posted.

“MyLastday on Facebook if you feel like saying something then this is your chance.” was her first message and people probably ignored it because people leave Facebook all the time.
But maybe eyebrows should have been raised when she shared this
Before I Go To Heaven

‪#‎MyLastPictures #‎GoodbyeWorld #‎WillAlwaysBeInYourLives #‎LoveYouAll #‎TillWeMeetAGain-
Apparently the reason why she killed herself was because she was in constant pain as her womb hurt since 2012 as demonstrated by this post:

In her suicide note she revealed to her family that she wanted to relieve them of the burden of taking care of her as reveled by her sister, Nqobile who said: “Her suicide has shocked all of us. In her letter she said she’s releasing us from the burden of caring for her.”
This story is too tragic, may her soul rest in peace.


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