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Kenyans cautioned against purchasing medicine from hawkers

Kenyans should only buy drugs from certified health facilities, Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board has said.
In a statement sent to newsrooms, the board said that the Kenyan public should not purchase medicine from street vendors because the quality of the goods may be compromised and some operate without licenses.
"The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) hereby cautions the public against unscrupulous vendors hawking medicines outside registered premises in open market places, bus stops and in public vehicles," the notice partly reads.
According to the board, the practice of selling drugs in the open market does not only affect the general effectiveness of drugs by exposing them to extreme temperatures that make them expire early, but also provide avenue for drug counterfeiters to market their dangerous products to an unsuspecting public.
The PPB inspectorate and surveillance teams are on the ground in all regions to ensure compliance and those found contravening the law will be arrested and prosecuted.

SOURCE: Standard Digital

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