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Popular NTV's sports reporter escapes DEATH by a whisker(PHOTO)

NTV’s sports reporter, Seth Olale, on Tuesday morning escaped death by a whisker after one of his car tyres burst near T-Mall Mbagathi roundabout.

All this transpired when his car veered off the road and rolled several times.

Seth Olale, who took to social media to share the news with his fans, also thanked God for saving his life from what could have turned out to be a tragic accident.

Friends, about an hour ago, God saved me from what could have been a tragic accident. Rear Tyre burst abruptly along Langata rd while approaching T-Mall Mbagathi roundabout.
Car veered off the road, made an instant 360 turn, and Miraculously stopped at the very edge of a huge ditch. When just about to resume driving after changing the completely torn tyre, an ailing woman who can barely walk & completely in pain approaches me, ask if I could take her to Kenyatta hospital.
I hesitate a bit, but accept to assist her. I drop her at the hospital entrance & tell her she will be healed. She shakes her head in pain, but leave her with two people, a lady & man who supported her to the reception. I then drive slowly home & say a Thanksgiving prayer.”

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