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Revealed that another main cause of petty accidents of matatu's in Nairobi is as a result of destruction caused by ladies waring this short skirts and sitting near the driver.
Ladies have gone haywire and do not m,ind what they are exposing and neither do they feel the shame of being exposed in public. November last year stripping of ladies with mini skirts was on the rise and it had brought a big tag of war between touts and women in the country since they claimed that this was an uncouth  way of dealing with such ladies. Well the touts did not stop and this made matters worse Nairobi women went out to the streets with the motto "My dress my choice." This brought a big debate among citizens of how to deal with the poor dressers since stripping them on public was not the best solution. This matter brought the attention to high government officials including the president and his deputy also condemned the stripping incidences and the people behind the stripping faced the full force of the law.
Now the girls took advantage of the situation bearing in mind that they are being favored and no change was observed since then.
Now they have gone to the extent of sitting near the drivers wearing this incomplete skirts and they go to an extent of keeping their thighs open and considering that the driver is also human, most of them barely avoid resist the temptation to look and their focus on the road is minimal and cause some petty accidents during a jam or even in roundabouts.
I wonder what will happen to reduce this.

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