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Talent is a gift from God and it is one the most profitable things that can take you far in today’s generation. Many people have gifted talents and in the current world, those who have fully utilized it to the maximum are making big strides and becoming millionaires in a very short time. Look at the athletic people in Kenya. These guys are millionaires and it just started with a simple step of walking to the limelight and getting noticed by the public of how fast they can run and from there they are selected to represent the country in various athlete occasions. Look at other forms of talents like creativity like the jua kali industry where you find most people live depending on their talents and creativity and also people who do animations, drawing and painting. These is not an easy task as people think it is not everyone is gifted in it the number of such gifted people is always limited but we still find others trying to force their way into it.
Now this is a painting of Lillian Muli kanene who is one of the hottest tv presenters in the country. As you can see this picture you can’t tell it is a painting. it just looks as real as a photo from a high quality camera. Kenya has got very talented people.


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