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Lupita explains why it took her so long to visit home after winning the Oscar award.

When Lupita bagged an Oscar award for the best Supporting Actress we were pretty excited and could not wait to welcome her with gourds of mursik, mounds of ugali and a bale of fish.
All the plans had been laid out in anticipation for her homecoming. But Alas she never showed up and Kenya’s support for her stood on shaky ground. Attending her sister’s wedding and supposedly ‘snubbing’ Kenyans did not go down well with many people but Lupita explains her absence and this will placate people’s anger.
 The nature of my job as an actor is that I have to be present where the work is happening and that is really what has been keeping me away from home because I have been busy building the career that you are all so proud of me for and so it’s taken time to find the time to step foot officially in Kenya.” said Lupita

Before adding that “I hope it’s never too late to come home, you know …it’s nothing more than the logistics of my life that have had to be certain things and I am particularly pleased that I have come with something to say”

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