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Not only in Kenya where illegal brews are found. They are booming in asian countries. (PHOTOS)

The world has changed and people are doing anything just to get money. Hard economic times have hit people luring them to do ANYTHING except nothing in order to place food on the table. But to some extent, love of money has brought greed in the society where everyone wants to be crowned for wealth you have even if it involves another person losing his or her life to acquire it.
   Well illegal brews have been on the rise in Kenya and many people have lost their lives after consuming them. Well be assured that it’s not only in Kenya where this unhuman act is going on but it has vastly spread globally and it is in the rise in India, Malaysia, Thailand and some parts of Asia. Alcohol users should take extra caution on what you buy. But it has become difficult to compare an original and a fake product. Well people better think of abstaining from alcoholism or else……………….


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