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Recently after the teachers' strike, this is what Kenyan sex workers want from the president.

A disgruntled s3x worker has written to President Uhuru Kenyatta to express her anger following the increased deaths of prostitutes. 

According to the angry twilight girl, six s3x workers have been murdered In a span of seven days forcing her to write to the head of state requesting him to take action to curb the unfortunate turn of events. 

The concerned s3x worker wants the President to, among other things, issue a directive that will ensure all prostitutes are protected as they go about their work. 

The lady goes ahead to express her disappointment with Uhuru claiming that she had voted for him with the hopes that he will allow them to carry out their job easily. 

Below is the letter to the President signed by Kenya Sex Workers’ Association Coordinator, Felista Abdalla  

Dear Mr President

Please note; I am not hiding my face but the mask I wear is a symbol of how the society has chosen to view me, hidden behind the veil, not to be seen or recognized, to remain somewhere forgotten 

We as the sex workers community are saddened by the brutal killings of our members. 

It is estimated that at least 40 s#x workers are murdered every month across the country and recently, In a span of seven days, six sex workers have been murdered; four in Nakuru, one in Kisii and one in Nanyuki.

Mr President, these are mothers, sisters and daughters who are responsible for their families.

Indeed, their children have been left without anyone to care for them and it is possible that their futures may never be the same again.

This letter is a loud cry for help to your esteemed office. We have looked everywhere for help that seems distant while the death toll continues to rise. Our eyes have settled on you as our help to end these senseless killings.

In summary, our beloved president, we request the following; 

*Right to be free from violence

*Right to be protected by the law
*Those behind these killings be arrested and face the full force of the law
*Sex workers be respected as human beings and citizens of this country

Above everything, Mr President, allow me to remind you that I am a Kenyan citizen with a Kenyan ID, a registered voter who has voted leaders into public offices.

I was convinced that with leaders that I voted into office I shall no longer be subjected to this violence, I am utterly disappointed.

Protect us, fight for us, help us; we need you now more than ever to save lives before it is too late.

Yours faithfully,

The Kenya Sex Workers Community

Kenya Sex Workers’ Association Coordinator Felista Abdalla 

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