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4 Million people set to attend China Dog Meat Festival

Dog meat is particularly popular in the China and South Korea. It backs four or five centuries but annual dog meat festival began in recent years. 10,000 dogs will be slaughtered in the annual festival to mark summer solitce.
The ‘Lychee and Dog Meat annual festival will be happening in Yulin, Guangxi province in South West China where by more that 4 million people are set to attend. The festival happens just before summer as dog meat is believed to ward off the heat.
However, this festival has not pleased many as the animal activists differ claiming that it is cruel to kill dogs. In response to the accusations, the residents and vendors claim that the dogs are killed in a humane way.
An online campaign has been signed by more that 3.8 million people that advocates banning of dog meat festival. The activists claim that most dogs are stolen from households hen transported thousands of miles crammed into wire cages and denied food and water. Many arrive at their destination malnourished and diseased, before being slaughtered and served up to customers.
The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival takes place on Sunday and Mondayin Yulin, Guangxi province.

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