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60 member gang surrenders to police in Kayole

Sixty Gang members of Kayole estate ‘gaza’ have surrendered to authorities. The gang is comprised of teenagers who are still in their early 20’s.  The gang decided to present themselves to authorities at Njiiru shopping centre on Monday where they also denounced that they have vowed to be law abiding citizens.
The gang is known for bragging about their exploits on social media. And also are known for not hesitating to stab or shoot victims during robbery incidences.

“We have surrendered because we have been assured of safety. We were engaging in robberies but we shall stop henceforth. We have now abolished this gang and we do not want to be associated with it ever again,” said Mr Ndung’u.
The youths spoke in heavy sheng (slang language) and most of the times their words had to be translated.
Ms Rosalene Akinyi spoke on behalf of the girls.
“Some of us had nothing to do. After Form 4, we did not continue with education and because there were no jobs for us, we joined Gaza,” she said.
Kasarani MP John Njoroge gave them Sh 80,000 to help them start small businesses.
The youths will also be given identity cards.
Hundreds of residents of Njiru attended the function to have a glimpse of the gang. Many of them were shocked that the youths were “very young boys and girls.”

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